What Do Patients Think About Virtual Health Services?
What Do Patients Think About Virtual Health Services?
Surveys conducted by large organizations such as Deloitte in the field of health shows that patients are beginning to accept virtual health services, but expect patients' needs to be met at a more adequate level.
With the age of digital transformation, patients want to get more integrated and more advanced health services with technology. Two surveys conducted by Deloitte in 2020 show that patients feel much more comfortable with healthcare services such as virtual health services and remote monitoring, while they are not always satisfied with the information and process they receive.
If healthcare providers want to provide their patients with an effective and successful digital experience, they must understand patient expectations very well. As an example of an effective digital experience, we can show you remote home monitoring devices integrated with electronic health records and user-friendly telehealth experiences.
Deloitte's surveys show that virtual doctor visits not only increased due to the Covid-19 pandemic process, but also that patients want to continue using telehealth solutions. Surveys also reveals that patients are more willing to share data while receiving healthcare services developed with technology.
David Bett, one of the directors who conducted the surveys, said, “Actually, the messages given are quite clear. Considering patient expectations, virtual healthcare services are a reasonable option for in-person healthcare services. However, healthcare providers need to continue to offer alternative solutions and channels “he said.
Patients Undecided about the Value of Virtual Healthcare
Healthcare providers need to build confidence in patients that virtual healthcare is equated with in-person care, beyond just offering digital tools and services. Because the research shows that the issue of trust is still a major problem in terms of virtual health services.
According to the survey, 56 percent of the participants think that health services received in a virtual environment are not of the same value as in-person care services. Healthcare providers need to continually improve the capacity of human-centered designed tools to understand patient needs and how they want to use technology for engagement.
In general, when deciding how to design devices and tools integrated with technology to solve problems, the problems faced by patients are overlooked. When designing a tool or device, it has become much more valuable to consider the unmet needs of patients than to consider patient needs. In order to create a more effective patient-centered approach, health organizations need to understand patients better.
Education and Seamless Tools Can Improve Virtual Visits
Although the research conducted by Deloitte shows that many hospitals and clinics are doing improvements by following the patient experiences within the scope of virtual services, it turns out that the service provided is insufficient in terms of quality and team experience. In order for virtual health services to become widespread, healthcare providers should be able to provide the same quality of service as in-person care.
Although 85 percent of the doctors participating in the research think that training is necessary to improve virtual doctor visits, doctors emphasize that the training provided is not at a sufficient level. In addition, in order to provide a flawless virtual health service, applications in many different fields must be designed to be interoperable.
Many patients say that their digital experience in different sectors is much better than their experience while receiving healthcare services. In addition to the fact that there are very few products or applications that provide digitalization in the field of health, the use of the products used is quite complex, which can create big problems for patient engagement.
In addition, you can get detailed information about new technologies in healthcare by reading our article titled Why New Technologies Are Important for Healthcare?. See you on different topics.
Source: https://bit.ly/3ty5e8H