Patient Engagement

Patient engagement, expressing the active participation of patients in healthcare systems and the delivery of health services, is one of the most critical components of safe and patient-centered services.

Involving patients in decision-making processes about their illnesses, medications and treatment options; ensuring patient safety awareness by accurately sharing allergies, medical history and other critical health information with healthcare professionals; and providing feedback on the services received to improve service quality and patient experience are crucial aspects of patient engagement. Also, patient engagement includes a partnership with patients, their families, representatives, healthcare professionals, the Ministries of Health, regulators and the systems.   

Personal Health Record (PHR) is an electronic health record system that offers patients 24/7 access to their... Read More >>

The e-Appointment system allows patients to conveniently schedule appointments with family physicians... Read More >>

e-Referral enables the electronic referral of patients for obtaining a different expert opinion, undergoing tests... Read More >>